Environment and its Laws
" Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed ." -Mahatma Gandhi It is true that ever since man started to learn to use fire environmental problems has been seen. Even in this silicon age, though we have gained better skills and techniques of living, we are still a prey to these pollution. Emission of CFC Gases and other toxic gases in air has given rise to depletion of ozone layer which in turn has led to global warming. Immense use of cars, air conditioner and other gadgets have been the main source of these polluting gases. Most of the people are getting accustomed to gadgets and thereby have lost their connection with the natural environment. Article 21 of the Constitution states “ No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty except according to a procedure established by law. ” It is not a mere right to live but it is our fundamental right to live with human dignity. This also accounts in the ...