Avengers:Infinity War Non-Spoiler Review

At their ten year anniversary Marvel has presented us with a gift of lifetime. There are hardly any moments in the movie that the audience did not react to. But today I am going to discuss about the movie without spoilers. So the facts that we are going to deal with here are completely SPOILER FREE. It is very hard to discuss a movie like Infinity War without giving away spoilers since almost every scene in the movie is a possible spoiler, so today I am just going to give an outline of how the movie looks and how it shapes up without discussing any spoilers. Visual Effects: Background : The first thing that needs to be stated is how realistic it looks when it comes to the different plants that we are introduced to. The visual effects have been done to near perfection when it comes to the various backgrounds of the movie. Except when Thanos pops up, as shown in the trailer, by using the Space Stone. The Black Order: The Black Order have been give...