Avengers:Infinity War Non-Spoiler Review

At their ten year anniversary Marvel has presented us with a gift of lifetime. There are hardly any moments in the movie that the audience did not react to. But today I am going to discuss about the movie without spoilers. So the facts that we are going to deal with here are completely SPOILER FREE.
It is very hard to discuss a movie like Infinity War without giving away spoilers since almost every scene in the movie is a possible spoiler, so today I am just going to give an outline of how the movie looks and how it shapes up without discussing any spoilers. 

Visual Effects:
The first thing that needs to be stated is how realistic it looks when it comes to the different plants that we are introduced to. The visual effects have been done to near perfection when it comes to the various backgrounds of the movie. Except when Thanos pops up, as shown in the trailer, by using the Space Stone. 

The Black Order:
The Black Order have been given quite an accurate look as per the comic book is concerned. The use of power by Ebony Maw has been especially one of my favorites visually among the black order or the children of Thanos.

When it comes to CGI villains we have seen its share of criticisms in various movies be it Doomsday in Batman v. Superman or Surtur from Thor: Rangarok. But it has to be noted that Thanos has by far proven to be the best CG villain in the history of Superhero Movies. 

Story Build-up:
When it comes to Superhero Genre movies we always get to see the growth of the hero of the movie from the very beginning but never has it ever been the same for the main antagonist of the movies. But it is so very different when we get to see Infinity War. The story of the movie encircles the Story of Thanos. We get to see the narrative of how Thanos came to be and what is his motive behind collecting the stones.
That being said the movie is a must watch as you would not want to miss such an epic adventure that this movie is. It is a roller-coaster ride with its fair share of ups and downs. But at the end you would be left speechless. And do not miss the end credits. 

There are so many things to discuss which we cannot do without giving away spoilers for the movie so I will discuss them in my Spoiler Review of Avengers: Infinity War. Till then watch the movie and let me know about your thoughts on the movie in the comments section down below. 

Question of the day:
What part of the movie you can't wait to watch or re-watch? 

Suggestions for you:




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