
Showing posts from 2019

Louisa May Alcott: A Guiding Light pbaJdZ-g

How can Shazam connect the DCEU?

Justice League is not like any other comic team up. It not only represents equality but also it has one gigantic message that is the top Seven Team members represents personalities and promotes that people having these personalities can become heroes. SUPERMAN for HOPE GREEN LANTERN for WILL POWER WONDER WOMAN for LOVE MARTIAN MAN HUNTER for ACCEPTANCE FLASH for PATIENCE BATMAN for LEADERSHIP  AQUAMAN for UNITY In this blog I would not bash the DCEU for what they are lacking in but rather I would try to give suggestions as to how can the DCEU connect its universe together slowly with the release of Shazam! After the huge box office success of the Aquaman movie the DC Fans can just lean back on their sofas as the heavy pressure from the 10 years old MCU is very much starting to loosen up. Like Aquaman, SHAZAM has a very low non-comic loving fan base which makes it simpler to draw the characters onscreen in a manner which makes it flexible to the plot of the who...