5 Reasons why Hufflepuff is the Best House of Hogwarts
Firstly, I congratulate you on being sorted in the House of Hufflepuff. I am a Gryffindor myself but still am congratulating you as you have been sorted in the best house of Hogwarts. Why?? Let me give you 5 reasons as to why Hufflepuff is the Best House in Hogwarts. 1. Traits : Hufflepuff house is known for their hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play. Now these traits are not that common in every single person. Anyone can be ambitious, courageous or intelligent but possibilities of having any of the traits of Hufflepuff is one in a million. So, if anyone of you have being sorted in Hufflepuff you are no doubt one in a million. 2. Tri-wizard Tournament: The only person from Hogwarts to have been sorted in the Tri-wizard Tournament was a Hufflepuff. Cedric Diggory was the only person from Hogwarts who was sorted legally. Not an Intelligent Ravenclaw, Ambitious Slyterin nor even the Courageous Gryffindor. So, you should be proud. 3. Profound Loyalt...