Black Panther Full Movie Review
It has been over seven weeks since the movie (Black Panther) has been released world wide and I seemingly believe that you all have watched the movie more than once by now. Even then I am warning you all for having SPOILERS AHEAD.
The Black Panther Movie has earned over 1 billion USD since its initial release on 29th of January, 2018. My movie review shall contain specific details about various parts of the movie making it better for understanding.
Black Panther- Character Build Up
We are used to seeing light hearted comedy movies from the MCU but it is completely different when we are introduced to each and every character of Wakanda. Yes, there are some laughable moments in the movie with M'Baku's and Shuri's comic timing the balance is well maintained through out the movie.
With the release of the Spiderman- Homecoming movie we have entered into the 4th Phase of Marvel movies. The Black Panther Comics is not one of the top most popular comics in the marvel universe and it's introduction in the Marvel Universe was a challenge for the writers. And from the very beginning of the introduction of T'Challa in the Civil War Movie the writers have given very intricate details about the character which has become a root for the Black Panther Movie.
The character of the Black Panther Movie did not come to us by surprise but rather we had known how he lost his father and how at the end of the movie of Civil War he learnt that he has to take up the mantle of Black Panther to save his country.
Introduction of Wakanda:
The country of Wakanda as has been build in the Marvel Universe has a very unique approach. Through out the movie we have been shown how the people of the country have been loyal to the throne of the country and how for its protection from the colonizers they have kept themselves hidden with the use of their advanced technologies.
The Hidden Message to the world:
The movie is not only a true gem for comic book lovers but it has given two priceless message to the world at large. One being that just because a country belongs to a third world country one should not portray it as a poor country. Every country has its own specialty and that is what makes it more precious than the other. Just because it was once ruled over by some other countries it does not make it powerless.
The second being how the fight of the black against the white have been one of the world's biggest tragedies. Just because one does not match the skin tone of the other one need to be dominated. The final words "Death is better than Bondage" of Erik would be echoing throughout the world for several decades till the unwanted war ends in totality.
The Dora Milaje:
One of the fearsome group of warriors in the MCU headed by Okoye. The group of warriors has got tremendous coordination among themselves. They are probably one of the best group of warriors of MCU by far. They are loyal to the throne so much so that they would not even dare to fight against the King. At one point of time when Killmonger after defeating T'Challa's Black Panther gets crowned as the King of Wakanda the army of Dora Milaje does not go against their newly appointed King who they were aware of being an outsider.
Each and every one of the casts of Black Panther has had one or the other important roles to play. But mostly so was that of Killmonger Erik played by Micheal B. Jordan who was previously seen playing the Firestorm in the Fantastic Four (2015). The role of Killmonger movie is one of the epic ones. He has gave one of the noteworthy dialogue in the history of movies. The role of Firestorm has to be enchanted as anyone playing the role gets to be a part of a better movie. Firstly it was Chris Evan who plays Captain America in the current MCU and now Micheal B. Jordan who played Killmonger. The role of Killmonger is the most important part of the movie. How M. B. Jordan has played the role made it even special. I don't know about you all but I would surely want Killmonger to return back for another movie however it may be.
Dana Gurira, who is best known for her role in Wallking Dead as Milonne, plays the Leader of Dora Milaje (Group of Warriors protecting Wakanda) has some great action on the sequence in the movie. Every time Okoye is on screen she has been shown to be highly powerful and not only that she is very loyal to the throne of Wakanda. She has shown prowess in her fighting techniques.
Letitia Wright playing Shuri is the Tech Support of the team of Black Panther. She is the person who builds highly advanced technologies to protect Wakanda. She even is the one who build the present state-of-the-art Black Panther suit. She does not only limit herself behind the computers but also has made an armed panther gauntlet for herself which uses vibranium to blast force fields.
Chadwick Boseman has also played a very powerful and strong minded leader as the Black Panther. The arch of Black Panther from the Civil War Movie have turned out to be very strongly rooted and the way he leads his team along side his army of Dora Milaje is very unrealistic. Shuri and T'Challa's brother-sister moments are very interesting to watch they make a great pair together.
The Marvel Cinematic Universe is already best known for its best use of 3D Graphics in its movie. The way the CG is used in the movies is very natural and does not seem to forcing to believe it to be 3D. Every time the Wakandan Empire was shown on screen it seemed to be gigantic. It felt to be a separate earth in its entirety. When the ship first entered into Wakanda through the Mountains it seemed to be as big as New York City probably but the moment the ship kept on moving towards the land the building got bigger and bigger so much so that it seemed to be a giants land when the ship completely landed in front of the Dora Milaje, they looked too tiny in front of the ship. Wakanda has been beautifully built and the creative team has let their imagination flow with all the technologies that the country might have and how they would look in real world. It felt so unrealistic and marvelous.
Marvel v. DC:
We have been given the chance of our lifetime as we have been able to witness such a war of DC and Marvel in the Cinematic universe were one tries to outrun the other by placing there big guns infront line. But with the introduction of an unpopular character from its Comic Universe, Marvel has set up high stakes for the Shazam movie makers to reach up to the excellence that Black Panther has reached.
The Black Panther Movie is a must watch for any movie goers and especially if you are a Marvel Fan and has been avoiding this particular movie then I suggest you go and give this movie a try as this is one movie that is worthy of even lifting Thor's Hammer.
My Movie Rating:
I would rate this movie 4/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Let me know about your thoughts on the movie and suggest any ideas for the Black Panther 2 Movie.
The question of the day:
The question of the day:
Who would you perfer to be in Black Panther 2 as the main antagonist?
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