Why does the DCEU Flash has a funny run? EXPLAINED
It is well-settled by now that DCEU has not been able to be the ideal comic book universe for us fans right now. The characters of DCEU have been left at abyss and most of the characters have not been properly introduced to us.
More so, the character of the Flash in the Justice League movie was a complete mess. Not only does he have awkward comic moments, on top of that he had a very funny way of running. Literally, the person who is known for his running, was running as if he was roller-skating for some reason.
But in this article I would like to scratch out few explanations as to why his running might have been like that.
As we see in the movie, Barry Allen has build up a suit which has been made from "Silica-based quartz sand fabric. Abrasion resistant. Heat resistant." And in the words of Bruce Wayne "It's what they use on the space shuttle to prevent it from burning up on re-entry."
So, clearly the suit that Barry has made up is mostly made with metallic type alloys which are not very much comfortable to run in. Yes, it is very practical for him to have made a suit which will be abrasion resistant and heat resistant as he creates immense heat while running at super speed. But it is not practical for running purpose. Mostly because the suit is primarily solid and not like how normal fabric is. If you see the suit that has been shown in the movie, it would appear to be made of metal, almost like that of Ironman, and Ironman does not need to run, he flies with his superpowered in-built jets. But when it comes to The Flash, he is everything we know because of his speed, he runs at quite an immense speed.
The top speed of Barry Allen from the comics is 186,282 miles per second. And to run at such a high speed he has to throw his legs as fast as he can. And in this case, with a suit built with metallic type fabric which does not support fast reflexes he would be unable to run that fast. More so, because of this very reason he has a skating type running because his suit does not support fast reflexes for running at super speed which is needed to be in an actual fight. As the movie flash even at one point of time stated that he has just pushed his enemies and run away. And for that he didn't have to go at his top speed. But when it came to the fight against Superman, when he came back from the dead, or Steppenwolf for that matter, he could not have run slower as that would not have helped and thus his running looked a bit funny. Even at the end when he faces Superman in the speed race he again has to access his full potential which the suit is constantly stopping him from doing and thus he ended up running as if he is roller skating.
I even presume that this Flash, as has been shown in the present DCEU version of Justice League, even does not run at his top speed as he is led back because of his suit. At some point of time with the growth of the movie universe that DC has built we might get to see Barry build his classic suit which will make him run at his top speed or it is even possible that Bruce Wayne helps him build a better suit in the future of Justice League who knows. Until then follow my blog for more of such posts and let me know about your thoughts relating to the movie Justice League in the comments section down below.
The question of the day:
Do you think Barry Allen would get his classic suit from the comics?
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