Padmaavat: The History shall know

What happened in history after the release of the poem Padmaavat in the year 1540 is unknown to me but I am very sure that the movie Padmaavat releasing in the 21st Century is going down in books of history for certain.
I have not yet seen the movie and thus wouldn't be able to comment about the onscreen drama but boy oh boy!! This movie is creating such a huge drama in few states. It is already known fact to the whole of the country by now,  if not,  then they must be living under a rock.
What have we not seen by now- multiplex burning, archeological sites being closed to tourists, people committing suicides and what not. This is not just making any difference but rather is putting before the world a picture of disgust and hatred in the country.
Just because one wants to protect their so called "rights" one cannot disregard the fact that India is not the only country present in this world. But there are 190 approx other countries who are able to see this unnecessary drama that this movie is creating. What do these people think they are getting out of this.
Sorry  to say but I am not getting any idea that if this movie is released what would it hurt. What kind of sentiments are these that is beyond the Country's reputation.
It is not like the movie is not being tried on by the Court but even the country men have just started their own judgment session in their own way. It is the duty of the court to decide who is right and who is wrong not theirs. You cannot send the movie through double jeopardy. The case is being taken to the Apex Court for appeal and there they would be able to put forward their point of law before the court like a gentle man and they donot have to act like some creatures from other planet who is unaware of any law that this land possesses.
What is your thought on what is going on in this country with the movie being released?
Could we have taken up this matter in a civilised form?



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