Should FLASHPOINT Change the DCEU?

It is miserable to see how the DCEU have failed our expectations. Not only that but the big story that is running in the news is that the flashpoint would change the DCEU. But Should Flashpoint change DCEU? Here we are going to analyse what would it mean if the Flashpoint really changes the dynamics of DCEU.
The DCEU is just four movies old and we are being thrown into the alternate timeline. Hardly any of the characters have been introduced nor have they been given proper storyline.
We have known only four characters after Justice League i.e. Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and Batman. I would not count Cyborg as he was hardly even shown in the movie.
Then what would happen to these only four characters that we were introduced to and got familiar with. Lets take a look.

MAN OF STEEL: (Superman) 
We all agree that the Man of Steel is not the best onscreen depiction of Superman since it was created. The character who is known for being the symbol of 'Hope' seemed to be lacking it himself.
But the character have been with us since 2013 and it is the only character in the DCEU that we have been able to familiarise with. The rest of the movies are just 1 year or even less older.
Bringing before fans an alternate universe would distant them and make an even worse impression on the fans.


The only movie by far which have made a mark in the universe would also have to be altered with the permanent change in the universe brought in by the Flashpoint since one cannot cheery pick the movies.


With the likes of the movie being released in this year on 21 December 2018 it can only be said that the DCEU would plan on it getting a bad response as well because if it does get a good response then only for changing the character of Batman one cannot bring before the audience the likes of an alternate universe which would confuse the non-comic loving audience.


The character played by Ben Affleck has seen its share of controversy since the introduction of him in the Batman v Superman movie. Every Anti-Ben supporters have contested that he should be removed but removal obviously would require an explanation thus bring on the FLASHPOINT because it explains everything. Sorry but the DCEU is just at its baby stage and not fully-matured like Marvel Universe which has been running since 2000s.

Before taking huge steps the DCEU needs to be built before the audience. It cannot be thought that one would just know the backdrop of Cyborg or Flash or even Batman for that matter. As the DCEU should start from the beginning. It needs to play in the little leagues before jumping in the world leagues.

How can the DCEU improve itself from here onwards?

It would take time. It cannot happen overnight. As success does not come overnight but comes from dedication towards it. It needs to slowly and steadily build the universe. It needs to introduce us to the characters and make a good impression of them so that not only the comic-fans but the non-comic fans also wants to watch it over and over again. Just like the wonder woman movie.

Three Steps to do so would be:
1. Find an appropriate story to work upon,
2. Find the best director and actor for the movie, and
3. Do not underappreciate your own team.
But the question may come that Should The DCEU not do Flashpoint at all?
The Flashpoint storyline is one of Flash's best storylines and that is why I personally think they should go with the Story arc. They can even show the likes of Thomas Wayne being the Batman or Aquaman and Wonder Woman Storyline but just they should not get stuck in that alternate timeline. They should not be made permanent but rather should be a point to look back after the Flash comes back in this timeline.

Questions for you all:
Q. What is your opinion about the Flashpoint Storyline?
Q. Should they go for it or not should they not?
Q. How can the DCEU introduce the alternate timeline into the universe?
Let me know about your thoughts in the comments section down below.



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