Why should I study Law?

The moment we pass the higher secondary examination the first thing that comes to our mind is what to pursue now? If you are worried about this thought then you are going through a completely normal phase of life. Most of the world famous personalities even had this feeling once in their lifetime.

But I can give you one suggestion that is to pursue Law as your field of study but you may ask Why Law? This post is going to clear that doubt.

Why Should I Study Law?
Before we begin we must know first that Law is one of the world's oldest fields of study, professions, human endeavour. It is one of the largest traditional profession.

LAW has a unique selling proposition, says Prof. S. Shantha Kumar, Director of ITM Law School, ITM University. “Only Law graduates can adorn the offices in all the three organs of the Government; namely the Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary. Other graduates may occupy the high offices of Legislature and Executive, but not in the Judiciary,” he says. “This is precisely the reason why it is often said that a Law degree can open the door to a wide variety of careers, which other degrees might not,” Prof. Kumar sums up.

Studying law equips students with a variety of skills. Entering into a law school strengthens the potentials for one to be empowered with knowledge of rights and duties. Learning to become a lawyer rather neatly means you'll graduate university equipped with the skills for a whole host of professional paths. It has a huge number of fields to pursue as a career.

( Some of the common interview questions: Why Law?Why do you want to be a lawyer? )

Even before completion of the degree you can join for internship under any firm or senior advocate which can give you earlier experience in the field of law.

After completion of the degree there are various career choices which you can pursue among them are:
1. Judge
2. Lawyer, Advocate, Attorney
3. Jurist
4. Paralegal

Studying law equips us with a sets of skills which are highly transferable to a number of other industries and sectors, commercial or otherwise. Some of which are :-
Research – through analysis of case studies.
Critical analysis – students read primary sources and make up their own mind.
Synthesis of complex ideas – law students will have to get to grips with a whole new language but they'll also need to be able to communicate in layman's terms.
Presentation – student's often partake in mooting competitions and pro bono societies, offering legal advice to real people.
Writing – you'll have to communicate all of the above – on paper.

Most importantly the variety of skills provided under this degree puts these graduates in the forefront of the employers mind.

Law is the basic necessity of life like food, shelter and clothes. Every person needs to be aware of their rights and duties that has been provided by the legislation. It not only helps one to be more accustomed with the legal works but would help one in their daily life. And professionals of law one has the moral obligation to distribute their knowledge acquired by them. 

Law manages to affect everything, and studying it gives you the freedom to develop your interest in almost anything. From geo-politics in international law, to medicine in tort law. From sociology in family law, to economics in European Union and contract law.

Studying the subject helps you to further develop your critical thinking skills, including analyzing text, speaking and writing. Law has IMMENSE SOCIAL IMPACT and that impact has to be studied to ensure that no one group can use the law against another group.

Studying law is one of the most interesting thing and there are many perks as well these are:
Wide Selection of Career Options
Financial Rewards and Emotional Rewards
Mental Stimulation and Intellectual Challenges
Argue and Debate
Work Environment
Skills that Transfer – Alternative Legal Careers

So, if you are having any difficulty in finding a proper field of study you can always join law and see it yourself how colourful the subject is even though it ends up wearing a Black and White Attire.



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